Activities at Home
Explore a mix of un-plugged, on-screen, and hybrid activities to make music, create games, and tell stories.
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Showing 27 activities.

Beginning, middle, and end
This activity uses stories to understand sequencing.

Categories around us
This activity gives learners an opportunity to understand and practice sorting.

Creating loops
In this activity, learners try creating loops in a repeated sequence.

Dancing to the beat
This moving activity helps learners practice directions.

Directions anywhere, anytime
This activity helps learners explore and practice their directions.

Drawing Shapes
This activity involves drawing a shape in the Weavly coding environment.

Exploring Weavly Action Blocks
In this activity, learners explore the available action blocks in the Weavly coding environment.

Fixing a sequence
This activity helps learners to identify and change patterns.

Human robots
This activity involves learning and practice directions and sequencing.

Learning about directions with arrows
This activity uses arrows to learn about directions.

Learning about patterns
This activity helps learners to identify patterns.

Lego sequencing
This activity uses an analog version of block-based coding and sequencing.

Planet discovery
In this activity, learners try simple sequences to discover different planets.

Creating Patterns
This activity involves creating patterns with the "Loop" action block in the Weavly coding environment.

Sequencing in daily activities
This activity helps learners to understand how a series of objects and events can happen in a specific and logical order.

Setting up the stage
This activity teaches learners to select and use a background on Weavly.

What are directions to me
This activity covers directions using our hands and feet.

What's a robot
This activity explores what robots are and how they follow instructions.

Adventures on the stormy sea
In this activity, learners build a program to save their fishing boat in the stormy seas of Atlantic Canada.

Game on!
In this activity, learners build a program to take their character to their favourite sports and share personal experiences about playing those games.

Adventures in the Savannah
This multi-level activity challenges learners to build a sequence to complete a mission.

Let's go to Europe!
In this activity, learners build a program to travel to different countries and cities across Europe.

Moving on a grid
This activity practice directions.

Hunting the sunken treasure
This activity challenges learners to build a sequence to complete a mission.

What's for dinner?
In this activity, learners plan a meal together and build a program to get their ingredients from a grocery store.

What's your favourite ride?
In this activity, learners build a program to visit different areas in an amusement park and share stories about their favourite rides.

Exploring Weavly Sounds
In this activity, learners explore sound features of the Weavly coding environment.