Illustration of Dash with speech bubbles of action blocks and question marks


Dash & Dot Blockly Coding Experience Sequencing


In this activity, learners will use to apply their knowledge of directions, sequencing, and loop creation. Learners will use their familiarity with and Dash and Dot robots to create loop sequences in real-time. The kinesthetic output from the robots will encourage sequence tracking, an early task necessary for debugging and correction. This activity incorporates a social component to encourage demonstration and collaboration.


Select one individual to be Learner 1 and another to be Learner 2.

  • Using only words, Learner 1 tells Learner 2 a simple sequence of 3-5 blocks you would like to repeat. This will be your ‘loop’ sequence.
  • Learner 2 creates the loop sequence that Learner 1 has described in (Do not let Learner 1 see your program until you are finished.)
  • Learner 2 connects to Dash.
  • Learner 2 plays their program to move Dash.
  • Discuss with the other learner if the played sequence what Learner 1 had described.
  • If it was not the sequence as Learner 1 described, try to find where the sequence did not match what and fix the sequence.
  • Switch roles and repeat the activity.


  • Ensure operational batteries are available.
  • Ensure Dash and Dot is operational prior to the activity.
  • Set up a large flat surface for Dash and Dot to detect actions.
  • Establish expectations of being patient and turn-taking between partners.

Skill Development

  • Directional
  • Planning
  • Problem solving (debugging)
  • Sequencing
  • Social skills/Communication
  • Spatial

Level Up

Explore longer sequences with more action blocks.