Robot on a Mission
Dash & Dot Blockly Coding Experience Direction Based
What you need
Tape, markers, few small toys, and device to access Block.ly, Dash, and Dot
Logical skills to understand basic directions and repetition
Indoor area with space for Dash to move around
Depends on the learner, assistance may be required to guide or facilitate
In this activity, learners plan and build a path to direct Dash to move to a specific object on a grid map.
- Use a taping mask or chalk to build a grid map on the floor.
- Once your grid is ready, place a few items such as toys on different grid cells.
- Select a starting point for Dash and place it on the map.
- Use Block.ly to build a sequence to make Dash move to a selected destination on the grid map.
- Play your sequence program.
- Pause your program and debug once Dash starts to move away from the desired destination.
- If you are doing this activity on a tabletop or an elevated surface, block the edges to prevent robots from falling.
- You can use any object, draw or write something on the map.
- To make this fun, build a story around the objects on your map and give Dash a specific mission to accomplish.
Skill Development
- Directional
- Mathematical
- Sequencing
- Spatial
Level Up
- Complete this activity again with a planned shape or pattern in mind.
- Restrict the number of cells the robot can move.
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