Illustration of Dash in front of top half of a yellow semi-circle and musical notes to a blue background

Meet Dash and Dot: Light & Sound

Dash & Dot Blockly Coding Experience Introduction


In this activity, learners can explore different movements and visual and audio options for Dash and Dot. As they try its different features, learners will become familiar with that is a block-based coding environment.


  • Open
  • Connect to Dash or Dot.
  • Use to create a sequence for the robot you have connected.
  • Find the setting panel for light.
  • Select three different light options to see on Dash or Dot.
  • Find the setting panel for sound.
  • Select three different sound options to see on Dash or Dot.
  • Adjust the parameters for your selected blocks, such as changing color or sound.
  • Play your sequence to see how Dash or Dot is performing your program.


  • Ensure batteries are charged and Dash and Dot is operational prior to the activity.
  • Set up space with dim light and a relatively quiet environment to detect visual and/or audio changes.

Skill Development

  • Creative Thinking
  • Observational
  • Planning
  • Sequencing

Level Up

  • Create a sound recording as an audio option for Dash or Dot to play.
  • Change all lights on Dash or Dot a specific color, such as Green.